Author Archives: wpadmin

Office: 208 Nano Center
Laboratories: 002 Nano Center

Building address:
348 Via Pueblo Mall
Stanford, CA 94305

hmabuchi at stanford dot edu

Admin: Heber Taina, 650.723.0203

Academic short bio

I received my A.B. in Physics from Princeton University (1992) and my Ph.D. in Physics from the California Institute of Technology (1998). I spent nine years as a faculty member at Caltech with appointments in Physics and in Control & …

Research interests

My research group leverages a combination of experimental and theoretical approaches to study complex problems at the interface of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics with dynamical systems, estimation and control. Our current activities focus on quantum-optical and biomolecular systems, motivated by emerging …

Teaching interests

Curriculum development goals at the graduate level include: quantum mechanics as a framework for physical modeling based on non-commutative probability theory with implications for measurement theory, statistical mechanics and information science; control-theoretic approaches to model reduction as a class of …